Penelope's Project is a placement service that was formed to aid in finding rescue animals
Home to the Asheboro area a permanent home and their receptive families, a lifelong companion.
Penelope’s Project
All of the animals have been surrendered and are in need of a permanent forever home.
Every effort is made to make the placement a good match.
Each animal that is placed will have received a full complimentary veterinary examination,
vaccinations (if due), fecal screening, deworming, heartworm screening prior to placement!
If this sounds appealing to you, please fill out the application completely.
Penelope’s Project got its name from a domestic short-hair tortoiseshell cat that was surrendered to the rescue organization. She was semi-feral and had several kittens.
She developed a non-healing wound on the side of her neck and extended halfway up her right ear.
After repeated attempts by the rescue organization to get the wound to heal,
Penelope has surrendered yet once again…
She has undergone countless procedures to aid in reducing the size of her wound including:
radiographs, several surgical procedures, countless bandaging, biopsy, tie-over bandages,
wet-to-dry bandages, culture, and sensitivities…and it continues to slowly heal today.
She is under the founder of Penelope’s Project’s personal care and direction.
The wound has shrunk to ½ of its original size! She now will allow being picked up for brief periods,
purrs, and serves as the inspiration for this project.
Animals will be posted on a regular basis along with a short story as to their history.....
It is now three years later. Her wound has finally contracted and healed.
She doesn't have any hair in that region;
but she's finally integrated with the other animals and is considered by her
housemates as part of her rescue family.
“ Such short little lives our pets have to spend with us, and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day.”
– John Grogan.”
Apply for Penelope’s Project
To apply for Penelope's Project, please hit the tab above. If you find that your ark has room for another forever friend,
Our team will do our best to find a companion that meets your needs. Additionally,
if you have extra pet food, litter, dog houses, blankets that the rescue organization could use,
please submit above. We look forward to working with you. Know your donations will be put to good use.
Thank-you! Below you will find some of our recent placements...
Teresa L. Klatt, DVM
"It's a small thing to help one animal, but to that one animal it's a big thing."
- Gene Baur
Our Recent Placements
Foxy is a medium-sized collie-sheltie-chow-heeler mix that was placed after finding out that she was surrendered and lived exclusively in a crate. She had a probable food allergy and bad skin issues. She was adopted and placed on a salmon/sweet potato diet and her skin issues have since resolved. Foxy gets along with her new housemates including a Yorkshire terrier and multiple cats. She enjoys taking long walks and playing with her squeaky toys! She has adjusted well to being a house dog.
Buster was placed in a home after being in the rescue for years and being overlooked for placement. He was placed with an elderly couple who adored and spoiled him. He now has a large fenced-in yard to play in.
Lulu is a small schnauzer mix dog. She adjusted very quickly to her new home and sat on the couch in no time! She enjoys running around the yard with her housemate Lucy and the cats, sleeping with family members, and sporting her new wardrobe of clothes!
Ollie was found and surrendered to the rescue organization when he was only three weeks old. He and his four other siblings were malnourished and being fed bologna by some children. All of the kittens displayed signs of respiratory infections. The kittens were bottle-fed and nursed to health. Though two of the kittens died, The others were all placed in forever homes! Ollie was a Christmas surprise for a college student. He loves his new home and they love him.
Mirabella was brought to introduced to Companion Animal Veterinary Services when she was in need of a spay. The rescue organization had Mirabella and was “keeping” her until the owner could move into a home that allowed pets. Upon examination, it was found that she has Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS or dry eye), and multiple older healed corneal ulcers on both eyes. The rescue organization was contacted for further questioning. It seems that the owner placed a topical flea product on the dog that caused her skin to burn and subsequently her hair to fall out. Additionally, the product must have gotten in both eyes, therefore, causing all of her eye issues. When the rescue organization contacted the owner and stated that she would need topical eye medication twice daily for the rest of her life, the owner couldn’t be bothered and surrendered her over. She has adapted very well to her new home and will even chase toys!
Chairy and BB’s Stories are similar to many other orphan kitties... The sisters were found behind a dumpster in an apartment complex when they were kittens. They were thin, hungry, dirty, and covered in fleas. A couple took them in and gave them lots of love and attention. But when the kittens were two years old, the couple lost their home and had to move into an apartment that didn't allow pets. The sisters had always been together and loved each other very much. They went to a foster home where they were able to stay together, but no one wanted to adopt them together. (They would have been very sad if they were separated.) They were in the foster home for almost a year before Penelope's Project found them a home where they could be together. Now they are happy and spoiled rotten! Animals have best friends and family they love just as people do. They grieve when they are separated. Next time you adopt a pet, please consider adopting a pair

They grieve when they are separated. Next time you adopt a pet, please consider adopting a pair.
Penelope’s Story Continues
Jonah, his mother, and 8 siblings were found by a kind-hearted man who didn't have the means to care for them much less get them vaccinated and deformed. As a last effort to place them in suitable homes he went to Walmart to give them away. Any remaining were to be taken to the local shelter. When the animals were surrendered all were very thin, malnourished, wormy, and needed nursing care. The mother weaned the pups and was spayed and is awaiting adoption. Jonah is now is living in his new forever home around Pittsboro.
Yuri was found roaming the streets of Randolph county with another dog who had a fractured leg after being hit by a car. Yuri was found to have heartworms. He is currently being treated for them. He was adopted into his new forever home where he has "couch" privileges, a fenced yard, and lots of play toys. Yuri is a very happy and lucky boy!
Rowdy is an older cocker mix that came to Penelope's project for an inguinal hernia repair after being with the rescue for many years. He was found not to be adoptable because he had a history of biting and a chronic cough. He remained in our care for some time as he healed and the bookkeeper fell in love with him stating that she knew how it felt to be older and not wanted. They have been attached at the hip ever since!
Bella was surrendered to Penelope’s Project after being owned by a teenager who kept her crated 24/7. She was placed in a home where she is bossy to her housemate dog, but, is thriving each and every day.
Zach was surrendered to the rescue organization after his original family acquired a new puppy. He was then left to live alone outside and received very little attention. He lived at the rescue organization for many years before he was adopted by his current owner. Zach now enjoys riding in the truck, going to the beach, sitting on his owner's lap, and playing with the family's grandson! He is very happy.
Prissy came from the Randolph county animal shelter after being rescued from a puppy mill. She had a "cherry eye" fixed and was placed in a home where she's dressed up in outfits and lives the life of luxury now!
Mr. Tuddy and Mrs. Wiggins ( alias Sandy and Friskey)! These siblings were found as very young kittens in a home where the owner had been found dead for several days. The kittens were then taken to the shelter where they were once again rescued and placed in a local rescue shelter until they were adopted. They have battled respiratory issues periodically. Currently, they have been placed in their new forever home where they appear to be very content. They enjoy chasing one another throughout the house as well as climbing on their cat tree. What a lucky pair... After getting off to such a shaky start!
Ginger came from a larger litter of Great Pyrenees/German Shepard mixed puppies. She was rescued by a lady but was unable to keep her due to her size. Ginger was 40# at a very young age and very energetic. She was also an expert at escaping from fences. Ginger wanted to be inside. She was very smart and learned fast. In the Great Pyrenees tradition, Ginger was friendly to other dogs and cats in her foster home. (No matter how rude they were to her!) She was crated and house trained, leash trained, and spayed through Penelope's project. Ginger was matched with a young college student who has roommates, runs daily, and hikes often. Ginger has plenty to do and gets lots of exercises. She is a very lucky girl!
Malala came to Penelope’s Project as a young kitten, timid and fearful. Today she is bold and fearless living in her now forever home. She races and plays with her new house buddy Marcellino.
Meet Buddy! He is a very happy young Malinois mix. His story is very sad… He was surrendered by his owners in a Walmart parking lot after being evicted from their housing. He was used to being with his owners all the time. He was placed in a temporary home where he wasn’t able to be inside with its caretaker and barked and ran the fence losing up to 10#!
He now is in his new forever home, sleeps with his new family, and enjoys tug-a-war. He is going through obedience classes. Buddy has successfully completed his first course. Buddy is now ready for his more advanced training. Way to go Buddy!
Loretta Lynn was found malnourished, fearful, and alone in the road as a young weanling. Since placing her in her new home she has flourished! Loretta Lynn has gained her confidence, has boundless energy, runs daily among sheep, goats, ponies, ducks, chickens, and Great Pyrenees dogs. She's a happy girl!
Anjee was found running loose after she was abused by her original owners. She had a tremendous distrust for humans. She was rescued and slowly worked with to gain human trust. Pepper ended up at Penelope's project after she was a stray that was taken in and later surrendered after her owners were evicted. Both she and Anjee now have a wonderful home and enjoy playing on their " kitty gym".
Tiramisu was found as a four-month-old in Randolph County near a local grocery store. The rescuer placed her on a screened porch with other kitties. She escaped and climbed out onto the roof and cried for help! She came right down when she was called and was placed inside. She was placed earlier this spring in her forever home where she plays chase with her housemate kitty. She enjoys laying on her "kitty gym" and watching birds, squirrels, and chipmunks out on the birdfeeder. She's such a lucky girl!
Asher was first introduced to Penelope’s Project as a juvenile for a spay. She was unnamed as she was surrendered to the rescue. She then developed pneumonia several months afterwords and was hospitalized. She was then placed with a client that was interested in adoption at the time. Her mischief ways and her better health, as we call a cat personality became too much for her new found home. She was once again was surrendered. Today, she has found a forever home where she plays with her new friend, a Yorkie. Allowing her to be the cat she was intended to be.
Hello Charlie
September 2023 Charlie entered into Penelope’s Project. His original owner was badly injured in a terrible car accident, leaving him paralyzed and unable to care for Charlie. Charlie was surrendered. Today, Charlie is living his life with a new family.