Our Heart’s Dedication
Crossing the Rainbow Bridge - Refections of 2022
Another year has so quickly passed us by. We have: forged new friendships, started new jobs while leaving old less appealing jobs, gone to new places, fought off sickness, seen family that we haven’t seen for sometime, moved, the new memories we have created; we have lost friends and loved ones, gotten new pets while saying goodbye to others. The circle of life…
We have promised new resolutions to accomplish in the new year to ourselves and goals that we hope to achieve.
Before we can move on, we must pay respect to those we have lost…
Gracie L., Sod, Whopper, Nomad, Logan, Sargant, Emma, Molly W., Henry, Jesse, Flex, Freon, Sawyer, Sable, Kessy, Max W., Diggy, Dixie S., Bella H., Rascal H., Jake N., Hank, Bernie, Maggie S., Rex, Radar, Yawa, Enzo, Happy, Frankie, Shelby S., Ellie, Moe, Jasper, Mr. B, Appolonia, Halo Mc., Jackson, Duke B., Khloe, Allie B., Spike, Lilli F., Abbey J., Callie E., Roxy C., Sam, Junior, Chocolate Chip, Sam, Borris, Zuul, Mike, Olivia D., Toby B., Billis, Muppett and Greta.
May they find peace from their struggles and pain and anguish. And we vow never to forget them for what they brought to our lives!
“Death is not the opposite of life, but part of it.”
Blog Written - Dr. Teresa Klatt